Monday, 24 December 2012

Early Christmas Present!

 Hello little catnip toy, I really love you........
 I really really love you.......
 I really, really, really lub rooo..........
 I really, ribbery, reeeeelly, rub roooooo.....
 Hi rubbery, ribbery, rubbery, lubb looo.....
Hi  ribbery, bribbbery, rubbery, bribbaby, rabbubbub, brubbibub, blehhhh...........

Friday, 14 December 2012

Ground Bait

At last, they've put them out. A bit unsporting putting them under the eaves 7 ft up though, I thought. How's anyone supposed to catch the visitors  up there? I only eat the blue ones anyway.. How Rock and Roll is that?
To be honest though, the birds are pretty safe nowadays. I can't be bothered, they've flown away by the time Wibble's remembered what they are and what to do with them, and Guinness is agoraphobic!